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Aug 14, 2009

Loving You Day

Friday July 10th was Loving You Day at the Buffalo City Mission, Cornerstone Manor – Woman & Children’s Shelter. This was the day that we were able to donate tons of makeup raised though our “Throw and Glow” program at our store. Thank you to all of our customers who have helped make this event possible.

When we arrived, we were greeted with excitement and smiles right off the bat. We knew it would be a great day when we hopped into the elevator with about 4 women who live at the shelter and they proceeded to make US laugh and smile all the way down to the bottom floor. Yes…a one floor elevator ride and we were laughing with them already.

Krissy began by speaking to the ladies who all gave her their undivided attention; about what led her to where she is right now, about the makeup, and answered any questions they had. Then they were called up two by two and Krissy and Tracey matched their foundation for them, while I pulled the foundation from our supply and gave them their gift bags. The day before, I had put the bags together with Blush, Glow, Eye Candy, applicators and coupons, it worked out well.

During the matching, we took some pictures and had the pleasure of meeting some great and dedicated people such as Mike Smith and Dr. Laura, who opened our day with prayer and is seen here applying our makeup to Mike. That was a highlight, all the ladies loved that! Thanks for coming Mike.

We feel so blessed to have been just a short part of one day with this great organization and these people. Hopefully we have touched someone enough to make a difference in a life.


Thanks again for all of those who helped make it possible...

If you would like some more information about donating to the Mission, click here.